How space-cowgirls dodge Black Holes BY GUILLERMO ARIZTA
“Good girls go to heaven, bad girls wherever they want” - old mexican song -
How space-cowgirls dodge Black Holes
...met artist Emilie Bitauld, thanks to Roland Topor.
Emilie Bitauld and I shared some interests on the Big Bang Fart, and found as well we had the same bread-toaster, causing a quick meltdown of the "ice" between us. Went to see her work days later.
She received me wearing a Space-Suit and high heels, explaining her heels cut gravitational force up to 96%, and also help in detecting Black Holes while on cosmic drifts (a black hole in art is when the artist gets sucked in by fashion & trends, or suffers of spiritual constipation). Asked to see one or two of her works of the series titled Big Bang. Picked one (30 X 40 Cm / acrylic on canvas), to take a closer look.
After some days of zooming at the work, it became slightly more evident, where it may have been extracted from...?
Emilie has been travelling through space-time for the past 13.7 billion years -an eye witness to the one trillion of a second instant of the Bang- the event is engraved in her eyes...
On its nonlinear trajectory path she comes back to earth, full of stochastic rhythms, volcanic eruptions, atomic collisions, butterfly effects, childlike irreverent toothless sharks. Compare hers to Damien Hirst's shark, his is just a dead fish -toothless art.
The painting I selected appeared at first elaborate, complex, but so is the Cosmos, Macro or Micro, half's of the same sphere.
It took Yoga meditation Kundalini / Duende, to get this work out of her head? heart? guts? uterus? She, being an artist, out of them all- hands included. All driven by an interior vitality... a painter's ritual in search of The Missing Color...?
Her tool box: utensils for dentistry or diamond cutters for a galactic high-craft..., or other stellar copulations.
To approach this painting can be a difficult task... Is it a Lewis Carol’s beautiful soup ? Or a fragment of eternity ? To me both.
She managed to dodge voracious Black Holes as a space cowgirl, except for one: the rabbit's hole - Emilie in Wonderland.
Asked Alice, a six year old daughter of a friend, what she thought of, see in Emilie's painting ? her answer:
"it's a candy store window !!!".
Leave you with this image of the sweetest of chaos -trip on it- you might just joint the artist on her new orbit...
G. Arizta, May 2017