Poulp fiction, artist’s book / Unique piece, Silkscreen printing, collages & aerosol on cardboard, 10 pages, 15.5 x 80 cm - 2018
Conceived at the Artothèque de Vitré, this unique piece in the form of a leporello is an artist's book produced in screen printing, collage and spray paint. The term Leporello refers to the valet in the play Don Juan (written by Molière in 1665). The character's singularity, with all its dramatic form and its ability to conceal as much as to reveal, was decisive in the choice of this form of editing. In a dreamlike narrative, between abstraction and figuration, the artist seeks to arouse a form of interrelation between the piece and its public, inscribing herself in this generation of artists for whom relational aesthetic is as important as the hidden content behind the visual form. From the semiotic to the rhetoric of the image, she launches an invitation to participate to a formal game, implicitly soliciting our relationship to diversion and to shift.
Jeremy D. Collot-Rosoux, art critic